Galvanised Chain

Useful Information

Key Features / Tech Specs:

  • Manufactured by Faithfull
  • Galvanised for extra durability and protection against the elements

Useful Info:

Maximum load figures quoted are for guidance only. These chains are load-tested, but not certified and should never be used for any overhead lifting, load binding or towing applications.

If you require any further information, our excellent customer service team is here to help so please call us on 01794 835835.


Grouped product items
Code Product Name List Price You Save You Pay Quantity
390961 FAI Galvanised Chain Link 3 x 30m Reel - 80kg £55.40 35%
390962 FAI Galvanised Chain Link 4 x 30m Reel - 120kg £64.12 35%
390963 FAI Galvanised Chain Link 5 x 25m Reel - 160kg £81.64 35%
390964 FAI Galvanised Chain Link 6 x 15m Reel - 250kg £74.00 47%
390965 FAI Galvanised Chain Link 8 x 10m Reel - 450kg £87.04 35%