Quick Coupling

Useful Information

Key Features / Tech Specs:

  • Manufactured by Plasson
  • Material: polypropylene
  • Valve available in 3/4" or 1"

Useful Info:

This valve provides a ground-level, quick and easy solution for watering and irrigation systems, whilst presenting no obstruction and therefore remaining damage-free.

The single-action snap-in key opens the valve (and provides a 3/4" threaded connection) allowing water to flow through to the sprinkler or hose pipe. There is no need to shut off the mains as the easy-release key will instantly close the valve when it is removed.

Both the valve and key are required for the complete quick coupling valve system.

If you require any further information, our excellent customer service team is here to help so please call us on 01794 835835.


Grouped product items
Code Product Name List Price You Save You Pay Quantity
350775 PL Quick Coupling Valve O-Ring NBR 3/4" £28.79 40%
350776 PL Quick Coupling Valve O-Ring NBR 1" £28.79 40%
350938 PL Key for Quick Coupling Valve 3/4" £12.12 40%