Plasson Pushfit Wrench

Useful Information

Key Features / Tech Specs:

  • Manufacturer: Plasson
  • Aluminium alloy
  • Sizes: 20mm to 32mm & 40mm to 63mm

Useful Info:

The Plasson wrench is used exclusively with the Plasson pushfit fittings range for the removal of the nut end.

If you require any further information, our excellent customer service team is here to help so please call us on 01794 835835.


Grouped product items
Code Product Name List Price You Save You Pay Quantity
350166 PL Pushfit Wrench Cast Alloy 20mm - 32mm £41.56 40%
350167 PL Pushfit Wrench Cast Alloy 40mm - 63mm £71.75 40%