Plasson Compression Reducing Tee 90

Useful Information

Key Features / Tech Specs:

  • Manufactured by Plasson
  • Pressure rated up to 16 bar
  • Sizes available: 20mm x 16mm to 63mm x 50mm

reducing tee 90

Product Code d (mm) d1 (mm) A (mm) H (mm) E (mm) E1 (mm) I (mm) I1 (mm)
352506 20 16 70 137 48 39 57 50
352507 25 20 74 150 54 48 58 57
352508 32 25 83 173 64 54 67 58
352509 40 25 84 205 82 54 84 58
352510 40 32 97 207 82 64 82 67
352511 50 25 105 228 96 54 93 76
352512 50 32 117 230 96 64 93 67
352513 50 40 114 236 96 82 93 82
352514 63 32 118 268 113 64 113 62
352515 63 40 139 268 113 82 113 84
352516 63 50 132 275 113 96 110 93

If you require any further information, our excellent customer service team is here to help so please call us on 01794 835835.


Grouped product items
Code Product Name List Price You Save You Pay Quantity
352506 PL Tee 90 Reducing 20mm x 16mm £14.64 40%
352507 PL Tee 90 Reducing 25mm x 20mm £21.31 40%
352508 PL Tee 90 Reducing 32mm x 25mm £31.14 40%
352509 PL Tee 90 Reducing 40mm x 25mm £48.79 40%
352510 PL Tee 90 Reducing 40mm x 32mm £51.22 40%
352511 PL Tee 90 Reducing 50mm x 25mm £74.35 40%
352512 PL Tee 90 Reducing 50mm x 32mm £74.35 40%
352513 PL Tee 90 Reducing 50mm x 40mm £74.35 40%
352514 PL Tee 90 Reducing 63mm x 32mm £89.65 40%
352515 PL Tee 90 Reducing 63mm x 40mm £89.65 40%
352516 PL Tee 90 Reducing 63mm x 50mm £89.65 40%