Jubilee Clips Stainless Steel

Useful Information

Key Features / Tech Specs & Dimensions:

  • Manufactured by Jubilee
  • Material: stainless steel
  • Kitemark approved to BS 5315:1991
  • Manufactured under BS EN ISO 9002 quality standards
Jubilee Clip Dimensions
Product Code Size Number Band Width (mm) Recommended Torque (Nm) Maximum Torque (Nm) Maximum Pressure (bar) Minimum Size (mm) Maximum Size (mm)
359460 OOO 9.9 3.4 4.5 14 9.5 12
359461 MOO 9.9 3.4 4.5 14 11 16
359462 OO 9.9 3.4 4.5 14 13 20
359463 O 13 4.2 5.6 14 16 22
359464 OX 13 4.2 5.6 14 18 25
359465 1A 13 5.1 6.8 14 22 30
359466 1 13 5.1 6.8 7.03 25 35
359467 1X 13 5.1 6.8 7.03 30 40
359468 1M 13 5.1 6.8 7.03 32 45
359469 2A 13 5.9 7.9 7.03 35 50
359470 2 13 5.9 7.9 7.03 40 55
359471 2X 13 5.9 7.9 7.03 45 60
359472 3 13 6.7 9 7.03 55 70
359473 3X 13 6.7 9 3.03 60 80
359474 4 13 6.7 9 3.03 70 90
359475 4X 13 6.7 9 3.03 85 100
359476 5 13 6.7 9 3.03 90 120
359477 6 13 6.7 9 3.03 110 140
359478 6X 13 6.7 9 1.24 120 150
359479 7 13 5.9 7.9 1.24 135 165
359480 7½ 13 5.9 7.9 1.24 158 190
359481 8½ 13 5.9 7.9 1.24 184 216
359482 9½ 13 5.9 7.9 1.24 210 242
359483 10½ 13 5.9 7.9 1.24 235 267
359484 11½ 13 5.9 7.9 1.24 260 292
359485 12½ 13 5.9 7.9 1.24 286 318


IMPORTANT: The technical data given on this website is for preliminary information purposes only and is published without guarantee. All line drawings are for illustrative purposes only and should not be regarded as wholly accurate in every detail. We reserve the right to withdraw or to alter the specification of any product without notice. For more information, please consult our Terms of Business.

Useful Info:

These Jubilee Clips are constructed from 304 (A2) material.

Each product sold separately.

If you require any further information, our excellent customer service team is here to help so please call us on 01794 835835.


Grouped product items
Code Product Name List Price You Save You Pay Quantity
359460 JL Hose Clip SS 9.5 - 12mm £4.76 50%
359461 JL Hose Clip SS 11 - 16mm £4.80 50%
359462 JL Hose Clip SS 13 - 20mm £4.84 50%
359463 JL Hose Clip SS 16 - 22mm £5.88 50%
359464 JL Hose Clip SS 18 - 25mm £6.04 50%
359465 JL Hose Clip SS 22 - 30mm £6.48 50%
359466 JL Hose Clip SS 25 - 35mm £6.68 50%
359467 JL Hose Clip SS 30 - 40mm £6.88 50%
359468 JL Hose Clip SS 32 - 45mm £7.16 50%
359469 JL Hose Clip SS 35 - 50mm £7.64 50%
359470 JL Hose Clip SS 40 - 55mm £8.00 50%
359471 JL Hose Clip SS 45 - 60mm £8.36 50%
359472 JL Hose Clip SS 55 - 70mm £8.96 50%
359473 JL Hose Clip SS 60 - 80mm £9.52 50%
359474 JL Hose Clip SS 70 - 90mm £10.00 50%
359475 JL Hose Clip SS 85 - 100mm £10.60 50%
359476 JL Hose Clip SS 90 - 120mm £11.56 50%
359477 JL Hose Clip SS 110 - 140mm £12.44 50%
359478 JL Hose Clip SS 120 - 150mm £13.24 50%
359479 JL Hose Clip SS 135 - 165mm £13.96 50%
359480 JL Hose Clip SS 158 - 190mm £15.60 50%
359481 JL Hose Clip SS 184 - 216mm £17.68 50%
359482 JL Hose Clip SS 210 - 242mm £19.92 50%
359483 JL Hose Clip SS 235 - 267mm £21.72 50%
359484 JL Hose Clip SS 260 - 292mm £23.16 50%
359485 JL Hose Clip SS 286 - 318mm £24.40 50%