Georg Fischer PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling Plain 6 Bar

Useful Information

PROGEF Standard PP, from Georg Fischer, is manufactured from a polypropylene homopolymer and has been shown to offer excellent resistance against stress fracture, impact, abrasion and chemicals and is therefore suited for use in industrial applications where chemical production and distribution is required.

These reducing couplings are manufactured from PP-H designed for conventional butt-welding in accordance with DVS 2207. They are also infrared (IR Plus®) compatible up to 225 x 200mm.

280 x 225mm to 400 x 355mm fittings manufactured from PP-R

Material PP-H
Temperature Range 0°C to 80°C
Pressure Rating 6 Bar
Size Range 50 x 40mm - 500 x 450mm


Product Code d (mm) d1 (mm) L (mm) L1 (mm) L2 (mm) e (mm) e1 (mm) Weight (kg)
397732 50 40 60 20 20 2.9 2.3 0.018
397733 63 40 65 20 20 3.6 2.3 0.020
397734 63 50 65 20 20 3.6 2.9 0.055
397735 75 40 68 20 20 4.3 2.3 0.041
397736 75 50 65 20 20 4.8 3.2 0.047
397737 75 63 65 20 20 4.3 3.6 0.053
397738 90 63 75 22 19 5.1 3.6 0.079
397739 90 75 75 22 19 5.1 4.3 0.090
397740 110 75 90 28 18 6.3 4.3 0.149
397741 110 90 90 28 30 6.3 5.1 0.158
397742 125 110 100 32 30 7.1 6.3 0.250
397743 140 110 110 33 29 8.0 6.3 0.320
397744 140 125 110 34 30 8.0 7.1 0.323
397745 160 110 120 39 27 9.1 6.3 0.500
397746 160 140 120 40 35 9.1 8.0 0.560
397747 180 90 145 50 40 10.2 5.1 0.600
397748 180 110 150 50 40 10.2 6.3 0.620
397749 180 125 145 52 40 10.2 7.1 0.620
397750 180 140 135 51 47 10.2 8.0 0.640
397751 180 160 135 55 52 10.2 9.1 0.700
397752 200 160 145 50 40 11.4 9.1 0.805
397753 200 180 145 50 45 11.4 10.2 0.920
397754 225 110 160 55 35 12.8 6.3 1.001
397755 225 160 160 55 40 12.8 9.1 1.082
397756 225 180 163 60 58 12.8 10.2 1.160
397757 225 200 160 55 50 12.8 11.4 1.184
397758 250 160 170 63 53 14.2 9.1 1.530
397759 250 225 180 65 65 14.2 12.8 1.890
397760 280 225 203 72 57 15.9 12.8 2.370
397761 280 250 206 75 60 15.9 14.2 2.540
397762 315 225 237 84 63 17.9 12.8 3.320
397763 315 250 231 86 70 17.9 14.2 3.375
397764 315 280 245 90 60 17.9 15.9 3.510
397765 355 250 245 90 80 20.1 14.2 2.400
397766 355 280 245 90 80 20.1 15.9 3.600
397767 355 315 245 90 80 20.1 17.9 3.100
397768 400 315 260 95 80 22.7 17.9 3.600
397769 400 355 260 95 90 22.7 20.1 3.100
397770 450 280 230 60 70 25.5 17.9 6.000
397771 450 355 230 60 90 25.5 20.1 5.400
397772 450 400 230 60 95 25.5 22.7 5.000
397773 500 315 230 60 80 28.4 17.9 8.100
397774 500 355 230 60 90 28.4 20.1 7.300
397775 500 400 230 60 95 28.4 22.7 6.700
397776 500 450 230 60 60 28.4 25.5 5.500


If you require any further information, our excellent customer service team is here to help so please call us on 01794 835835.

Grouped product items
Code Product Name List Price You Save You Pay Quantity
397732 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 50mm x 40mm £12.09 10%
397733 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 63mm x 40mm £14.46 10%
397734 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 63mm x 50mm £15.93 10%
397735 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 75mm x 63mm £20.18 10%
397736 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 75mm x 50mm £20.06 10%
397737 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 75mm x 40mm £19.56 10%
397738 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 90mm x 75mm £32.61 10%
397739 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 90mm x 63mm £29.89 10%
397740 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 110mm x 90mm £43.53 10%
397741 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 110mm x 75mm £42.11 10%
397742 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 125mm x 110mm £53.22 10%
397743 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 140mm x 125mm £79.78 10%
397744 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 140mm x 110mm £79.54 10%
397745 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 160mm x 140mm £95.08 10%
397746 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 160mm x 110mm £93.36 10%
397747 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 180mm x 160mm £95.21 10%
397748 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 180mm x 140mm £163.25 10%
397749 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 180mm x 125mm £163.25 10%
397750 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 180mm x 110mm £163.25 10%
397751 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 180mm x 90mm £163.25 10%
397752 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 200mm x 180mm £162.86 10%
397753 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 200mm x 160mm £129.03 10%
397754 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 225mm x 200mm £165.27 10%
397755 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 225mm x 180mm £232.94 10%
397756 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 225mm x 160mm £206.59 10%
397757 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 225mm x 110mm £244.69 10%
397758 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 250mm x 225mm £241.41 10%
397759 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 250mm x 160mm £295.88 10%
397760 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 280mm x 250mm £300.95 10%
397761 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 280mm x 225mm £307.77 10%
397762 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 315mm x 280mm £328.12 10%
397763 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 315mm x 250mm £336.69 10%
397764 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 315mm x 225mm £357.08 10%
397765 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 355mm x 315mm £656.06 10%
397766 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 355mm x 280mm £885.56 10%
397767 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 355mm x 250mm £954.00 10%
397768 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 400mm x 315mm £2,386.85 10%
397769 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 400mm x 355mm £1,600.14 10%
397770 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 450mm x 280mm £6,908.51 10%
397771 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 450mm x 315mm £6,131.83 10%
397772 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 450mm x 355mm £5,127.47 10%
397773 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 450mm x 400mm £3,444.08 10%
397774 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 500mm x 315mm £8,429.24 10%
397775 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 500mm x 355mm £7,368.00 10%
397776 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 500mm x 400mm £6,253.80 10%
397777 GF PROGEF BF Reducing Coupling 6 Bar 500mm x 450mm £5,570.72 10%