Liquid Suction Unit

Useful Information

These liquid suction and extraction units are used to extract and store liquids such as oil, fuels, water and other non-corrosive liquids from various objects such as vehicles, lawnmowers, hydraulic reservoirs, spillages and more.

They are portable and lightweight, available with capacities of 2.7, 6 and 17-litre drums and are supplied with suction probes to fit most applications. The 17-litre unit has castors for ease of transportation. When the units are full, they can be emptied simply by removing the plug at the top and pouring the contents out.

The discharge unit is the same as the 6-litre suction unit but has the ability to empty its own tank as it is bi-directional. It is capable of sucking and emptying 6-litres in 2 1/2 minutes each way.


Manufacturer Cisson
Barrel Material Polypropylene
Hose Material Nylon
Capacity 2.7, 6, 17-litre


If you require any further information, our excellent customer service team is here to help so please call us on 01794 835835.


Grouped product items
Code Product Name List Price You Save You Pay Quantity
403676 Liquid Suction Extraction Unit 2.7l £230.96 50%
403677 Liquid Suction Extraction Unit 6l £337.80 50%
403678 Liquid Suction Extraction Unit 17l £777.00 50%